All You Need to Teach - Information Literacy: Ages 8-10An Information Literacy program in three practical sections. |
A quick guide to drugs and alcoholThis book is intended for anyone who is interested in finding accurate information about drugs and alcohol, set out in easy to read sections so that you can find the information that you require quickly, and read as much or as little as you like. The Quick Guide to Drugs and Alcohol, 3rd edition is published by the Drug Info service which is a partnership between the State Library of NSW and NSW Health. |
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Release your inner drive - Busch and WatsonHave you ever wondered how people get really good at stuff. This book explains in tangible steps how to develop attributes, mindsets and habits that are crucial to success at school and life. Discover how to: take control, find your motivation, fail better, make revision stick, preform under pressure, ace those exams, get a good night's sleep, take care of yourself, learn from sporting champions and develop a growth mindset.
Such stuff: a story-makers inspiration - Michael Morpurgo
Michael Morpurgo, a favourite storyteller and author of
War Horse, shares the secrets and inspirations of his novels.This insightful collection is perfect for those who want to understand how writing works and where stories begin. Revealing essays from Michael about more than twenty of his most popular novels are combined with key extracts from his books, along with historical context and illuminating background information from Michael's brother Mark.
Reading like a writer - Francine Prose
Acclaimed author Francine Prose invites you to sit by her side and take a guided tour of the tools and tricks of the masters to discover why their work has endured. Written with passion, humour and wisdom,
Reading Like a Writer will inspire readers to return to literature with a fresh eye and an eager heart.
Comics confidential - Leonard S. Marcus
Respected anthologist Leonard S. Marcus turns his literary microscope to the world of comics, which has lately morphed and matured at a furious pace. Powerful influences from manga to the movies to underground comix have influenced the thirteen artists and writers interviewed in these pages to create their own word-and-picture narratives. Here are their moving, funny, inspirational stories: true tales from the crucible of creative struggles that led each to become a master of one of today's most vibrant art forms.
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What is poetry? Michael Rosen
A detailed guide to reading and writing poetry by children's poet Michael Rosen. Over many years as a working poet he has thought a great deal about what poems are, what they can do and the pleasure that comes from writing and reading poetry. Rosen also takes a look at a selection of his own poems and explains how and why he wrote them.
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Building better relationships- Blake Education
Instant Lessons in Student Health and Welfare series 2 emphasises the development of good communication skills and relating well to others. The case studies and activities will encourage students to think about, reflect upon and discuss some of the most important issues that all students experience. These include dealing with bullying and peer pressure; managing family conflict and change; creating positive relationships; and thinking about personal hygiene issues.
Getting to know me better - Blake EducationThe Instant Lessons in Student Health and Welfare series assists teachers in developing and presenting lessons in Personal Development and Health subjects in years 7 - 10. Series 1 contains a range of challenging and interesting case studies and activities that will help students to understand more about what makes them tick. Main areas explored are identity and self-esteem; different personality types; dealing with stress, anxiety, sadness, grief and depression; getting motivated; and setting goals.
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Go facts - Global Bodies, Ancient Wonders, Technological Wonders
Technological wonders are inventions that have transformed the way we live. They range from land, air and space travel, to improving health and sharing electronic information.
Ancient Wonders are marvels of the ancient world. These splendid structures embody some of the most beautiful and intriguing aspects of ancient cultures around the world.
Global Bodies is about organisations that operate internationally or global bodies. They cover many areas of life, including business, sport, human rights and environmental protection.
Numerical Street - Antonia Presenti and Hillary Bell
From the creators of the bestselling Alphabetical Sydney comes a counting book set in a bright and quirky streetscape where there's always something new to find. Great for numeracy in the classroom.
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Go facts Geography - Blake EducationGo Facts titles are great resources for use in differentiation and to help less able students to understand concepts and issues. Asia explores the diversity of our northern neighbours, with a focus on comparing the demographic profiles of Asia and Australia. First Peoples is an overview of the world's indigenous people groups and the issues they face. Reshaping Environments describes how people manage and change environments, sometimes disastrously - and how environments affect people. World Events describes how significant events connect Australians with other people on the planet. Maps explains what a map is and how to use them. |
Shakespeare dictionary - David and Ben CrystalIllustrated alphabetical dictionary of all the words and meanings students of Shakespeare need to know. Easy to use with its clear signposting. Every word has an example sentence selected from the twelve most studied plays and notes giving insights into Shakespeare's use of language, his society and theatrical performances.
Graphic Shakespeare - David SalariyaHamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream are four of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies, together with his most popular comedy. With vibrant full-colour artwork that brings the scenes to life, and captions in modern English which make the stories easy to follow. |
iF - a mind-bending new way of looking at big ideas and numbers - David J SmithImagine inf you could condense all 3.5 billion years of life on Earth in just one hour. If you did, the dinosaurs wouldn't show up until 56 minutes into the hour, and they'd be gone 3 minutes later. Space, time, inventions, resources, humanity and more - iF scales down big concepts and invites readers to see the world in a mind-bending new way. |
Dreams of freedom - Amnesty InternationalThis inspirational book contains 17 quotations about many different aspects of freedom, from the freedom to have an education to not to be hurt or tortured, the freedom to have a home and the freedom to be yourself. All the chosen quotations are in simple words that can be easily understood. |
Grammar and punctuation guide for lower primary studentsA quick and easy reference for basic grammar and punctuation for students including examples and exercises to practise and apply the skills shown in eight sections. |
Grammar guide for primary studentsContaining simple concise definitions of grammatical terms with practice exercises and examples of how to apply them. There are nine sections covering traditional grammar: nouns; verbs; adjectives; pronouns; adverbs; phrases; sentences; clauses and conjunctions. Each section contains a simple definition of the grammatical term, an example of the usage and a quick 'TRY THIS' quiz to allow students to consolidate and test their new knowledge. |
Writer's guide for primary studentsSplit into two parts Blake's Writer's Guide is a comprehensive reference book for everyone who wants to communicate effectively through writing. |
The greatest Gatsby - Tohby RiddleIntroducing a new, visually engaging way of presenting grammar. Appealing to the senses and the emotions with colour, texture, humour and drama. |
HSC Standard English - ExcelThis guide has been written to focus only on the syllabus outcomes for each text in the 2015 onwards HSC Standard English course. |
HSC Advanced English - ExcelThis guide has been written to focus only on the syllabus outcomes for each text in the 2015 onwards HSC Advanced English course. |
Web 2.0 for the library - Jennifer Shafer WyattThe internet provides huge opportunities to connect you to 21st-century learning. Use Web 2.0 tools to engage learners and collaborate with teachers. |
Untangling the web - Steve Dembo and Adam BellowDiscover 20 free websites and tools - learn how to leverage technology to transform classroom experiences. |
Members only - Julie TibbottSecret societies, sects and cults - exposed! Throughout human history, people have banded together to pass on traditions, climb the social ladder, and often just have a good time. And sometimes keeping other people out is part of the fun. But some of these groups have proved so exclusive and secretive that we on the outside can't resist some speculating. Wouldn't you like to know what they're really up to? |
Shakespeare today - Jane ShuterPeople all over the world recognize the image of William Shakespeare and have heard of his plays. But what is his appeal? This original book looks at how Shakespeare is interpreted and performed today. It shows how Shakespeare's influence has stretched much further than the reading and stage performance of his works: into films, festivals, painting, other media, and into the English language. |
Oh behave! manners at school - Sian SmithWhy are manners at school so important? Introducing readers to the concept of good manners through a cominbation of simple, levelled text and engaging photographs, the book explains how readers should behave in a number of different situations, why it matters and the possible repercussions of having bad manners. |
Achieve! English Series
Achieve! English Series - Blake EducationWhile suitable for the regular classroom, each Achieve! series of English titles has been written at a literacy level that makes the pages appropriate for secondary school students. Titles include English - writing for work and essential reading skills; Text Types - Narrative 1, Persuasive 1 and Informative 2. |
Achieve! English punctuation - Mary GreenThe writing activites in this book will help students investigate the purposes of the most commonly used punctuation marks, and how to use punctuation in their own writing. Through a range of teen-interest topics such as film, jokes, sport and music, students work with a variety of text types including reports, scripts, emails and reviews.
Write now! book 1 - Ally ChumleyThe activities in this collection of photocopiable work sheets are designed to provide stimulating opportunities for students of all ability levels to make creative responses to their reading. |
Write now! book 2 - Andrea HayesWrite now! is a new series that teaches basic grammer and spelling conventions. Using fun and eccentric context to engage students' intereets in learning about language and how it works.
Kickstart poetry - Tric O'Heare & Ross DonlonWriters block! White page fever! Poetry phobia! They'll become things of the past when students discover for themselves the power and pleasure of writing their own poetry. Offering poetry-writing exercises trialled in the classroom by experienced secondary teachers who are also practising poets. |
Sportsmanship - ethics in sport seriesExplore the sporting traditions around the world and the difference between following the rules and being a good sport. How do different cultures and sports define good sportsmanship? Are there different expectations for professional athletes than there are for amateurs? |
Respect - 21st Century Junior LibraryShowing respect for others is a necessary part of living in a society. Readers of this book will develop word recognition and reading skills while discovering what it means to be respectful, how to show respect for the people they encounter, and why it is important to understand and tolerate differences in opinion and culture. |
Go facts - First AustraliansAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are the oldest surviving - and thriving - cultures in the world. This book explores the richness of Australian Indigenous art, language, traditional foods, laws and spirituality. |
Go facts - First ContactsHundreds of years ago Europeans first stepped ashore on Australia. Sometimes they were welcomed - usually they were not. Learn about some of the earliest meetings of Indigenous Australians and Europeans. |
Go facts Migration |
Go facts MigrationAustralia is a nation of migrants - beginning with the earliest Indigenous arrivals, people have settled in this land. Learn about where people have come from to make Australia home, why they came, and how they felt about starting their lives. |
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Australian writers of influence - Bernadette KellyOur knowledge and ideas about the world are shaped by writers - poets, novelists, playwrights and journalists. The 1800s were a time of turbulence and change in the Australian colonies with droughts, strikes, bushrangers and long periods of mass unemployment. The freethinking writers of the time were often called radical but they were the voice for change in this new country - and their influence is still evident today. |
Online research skills |
Online research skills DVD 307Search engines are a useful too, but how can students get the best results from them? This program helps students develop a critical approach to conducting online research. |
Romeo and Juliet |
Romeo and Juliet: before the play series DVD 308An analysis of Shakespeare's play. |
Macbeth |
Macbeth: before the play series DVD 309An analysis of Shakespeare's play. |
Better than OK |
Better than ok - edited by Dr Helen Street and Neil PorterThis is a valuable book for parents and teachers who want to help children to grow into positive, peaceful and caring citizens. |